Search and replace (REGEX enabled) ( pattern1|pattern2)

Protect html tags before replacing?
Words replace? (in case above box contining words or sentences)

Apply to titles also?
Use # as the seprator between search and replace
search#replace instead of search|replace

*add "|titleonly" without quotes at the end of the rule if you want to apply it to only titles

*add "|contentonly" without quotes at the end of the rule if you want to apply it to only the content

example1: nice|awesome replaces the the word nice with awesome
example2: nice| replaces the word nice with empty
example3: nice|awesome|titleonly replaces the word nice with awesome in titles only
Hyperlink specific keywords with a specific link
The plugin will search for the keyword and hyperlink with this link
example 1: seo|
example 2: seo,link building|
Truncate content to a specific number of chars
Truncate title to a specific number of chars
Do not add "..." to the end of the truncated title?
Remove the last truncated word (not-complete) from the truncated title?